About me
Keynote speaker
Because I see that more and more people and organizations are very interested in new technologies, but do not know what it exactly means, how it works and where to start, I regularly speak about it with enthusiasm on stages worldwide ranging from 8 to 8,000 visitors .
In my keynotes I not only look at the future, but especially at all practical experiences. The impact, implications and implementations of technologies, explained in Jip & Janneke language. In a TED-worthy interactive talk packed with examples and with a focus on good understanding, without unnecessary buzzword bingo.
Moderator / Host
Over the past eight years I have been able to host countless events at home and abroad. Monitoring the time, structuring the conversations, announcing the speakers and asking the right questions. Bringing the conversation to life, bringing out the best in speakers, guests and the audience.
I do this with enthusiasm and a healthy dose of energy. Being sharp where necessary and finding the right mix between content and entertainment.
With my experience of organizing the TED events, I am also happy to think along (upon request) about the further content of the event. How to stimulate interaction, structure the program and look at the content of the speakers.
During my working life I have been able to set up a number of companies. After the experience of setting up TED events worldwide, I founded The Mavens, with which I work on communication and events. Based on my experience coaching hundreds of TED speakers, I founded TalkLikeTED.nl, with which I have been able to guide thousands of professionals in recent years in putting together & presenting their stories, ranging from executives to students and top entrepreneurs to politicians. I am also the founder of Caesus and Strabico and co-founder of Blockformer and Winext.
Free time
I see the world as an ecosystem, where you have to put back as much as you take out to keep the ecosystem running. That is why I have been active as a volunteer since I was 15 and have held numerous board positions since then.
The charity Caritas Mosae, the ZweitVeurLeid charity run, the CDA, the Port Dinners for refugees, IM Maastricht, Groot Wyck, OIW, GEW, advisory boards for UniPartners, Superconnectors and Curator at the World Economic Forum.