De afgelopen jaren heb ik drie boeken geschreven.
Wat is jouw verhaal
Iedereen heeft een mooi verhaal om te vertellen en iedereen kan dat ook op het podium. Iets waar ik heilig van overtuigd ben, na tien jaar duizenden professionals gecoacht te hebben. Van startende ondernemers tot studenten, executives tot topondernemers, DJ’s tot politici. Dat is heel veel meer dan het simpel aanleren van presentatie technieken voor op het podium. Dat begint met het samenstellen van een mooi, inspirerend verhaal en de juiste voorbereiding er van. Het afstemmen op het publiek, de eventuele visuele doorvertaling en het strategisch inzetten van het lichaam.

Veel wetenschap, ervaring en leren van klanten zorgen voor het stillen van mijn eigen nimmer aflatende honger. Om weer eens goed uit de filterbubbel te stappen, heb ik vorig jaar oud-klanten en mijn netwerk gevraagd om de grootste uitdaging die zij (nog steeds) hebben op het gebied van spreken in het openbaar. Ik ben ontzettend dankbaar voor de meer dan zeshonderd reacties die ik kreeg; soms slechts één woord, soms hele epistels van een aantal pagina’s. Dit gaf mij zoveel brainfarts, dat ik heb besloten om ze op papier te zetten.
De tweede druk is hier te koop.
For the past 10 years, I have had the pleasure of organizing 50 TEDx events worldwide. Besides establishing the TEDx events in Maastricht, Sittard-Geleen and Eindhoven, I also worked in major cities like Amsterdam, New York and Baghdad, organizing events for organizations like CERN, the Dutch Police Force, the Ministry of Defense and many more, as well as presentations at large-scale events with 1,500 visitors, youth events, town halls and many more. What it’s not is a manual, a required reading before organizing an event or a look-at-me-I’ve-organized-50-TEDx-events-proof. It’s simply an overview of the 50 experiences I would love to share after organizing 50 TEDx events worldwide.
The book has been ‘#1 Best selling book’ on Amazon! You can buy the book here.
Photos of the launch event of ExciTED

[su_quote cite=”Jack Andraka – Inventor, scientist & TED Speaker”]Ever wondered what TED speaker really feel up there on stage on the red dot? What were their best and scariest moments? Check out ExciTED to find out! I loved it![/su_quote]
[su_quote cite=”Steve Daniels – Partner @ Cultivate / Co-Founder @ Action Surge”]In this book, Jan has captured perspectives and anecdotes from so many of the founding TEDx organizers during the first decade of the amazing TEDx movement. It brought a huge smile to my face to see all the faces of the amazing people around the world who make the TEDx community what it is. Ever the curator, Jan has organized these testimonials around his own perspectives and guidance, making this the best single write-up to really understand the ten-year journey of TEDx. If you’re curious about experience design, community creation, new power, or understanding movements, this is an illuminating read.[/su_quote]
[su_quote cite=”Paul Rulkens – President @ Agrippa International”]In this fascinating book, Jan Scheele provides everything you need to know about TED events. With his wealth of experience as a TED organizer and speaker, he draws any reader into this global phenomenon, which is TED. Whether you’re a corporate executive, professional meeting organizer, or simply a student of public speaking, this book provides a fun, interesting, and thoughtful read. Highly recommend! [/su_quote]
[su_quote cite=”Ramy Nasser – Director Retail Innovation Lab – Mattel Inc.”]What started as a relatively small, primarily academic conference in 1984 has since grown into the world’s largest movements around the free exchange of ideas. With TEDx events happening in over 130 countries around the world and hundreds of millions of views, these events have inspired a generation of leaders. ExciTED captures the spirit of a decade-long movement that has profoundly the lives of millions. Jan’s unique perspective as the curator of numerous TEDx events shapes this journey around the globe and gives readers a rare insider view of some of the great moments in the history of TEDx.[/su_quote]
[su_quote cite=”Rutger Mollee – Writer @ De Spelt / Host”]Jan Scheele has deep knowledge about how to organise a perfect (TEDx) event. What makes him and this book special is that he is willing to share it with you. Read and learn and than say: Thank you Jan![/su_quote]
[su_quote cite=”Niki Ernst – Founder @ Iacy”]this book is not only valuable for first time TEDx organizers, or conference organizers of any kind, it is actually the most comprehensive summary of things to keep in mind, consider, doublecheck and even find inspiration of, when you have done several TEDx events, already. Its not only a nice reader, it is actually a get-back-to, everytime you are looking into your next curation experience.
even recommend distributing it among your team of volunteers to give them a better feeling about the amazing journey, they are about to embark[/su_quote]
[su_quote cite=”Mathieu Sneep “]TED radically transformed the public speaking landscape and upgraded the world-view of many. ‘ExciTED!’ offers a fascinating collection of mémoires from one of the most active TED community leaders. A must read for anyone who is organizing events or simply interested in TED.[/su_quote]
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I’ve also published a ‘Groeiboek’ for those, interested in ‘talk like TED’.
You can download it for free here.